Parent Involvement and School Communication
It is very important that we have current information about your child. Changes may include: home address, parents’ phone numbers, emergency phone numbers, daycare phone number or address, authorized individuals to pick up your child, or health information. Please notify the office and your teacher of any changes during the year.
Parents are always welcome in the classroom. Concerns and celebrations about your child can be shared when the class is not in session. All parents of 4 year olds will be invited to a conference two times per year. If your child is receiving Special Education Services, the teacher will contact you regarding the time and date of your child’s IEP Team Meeting. Parent Education Activities will be held three times yearly. Teachers will send home a monthly calendar to keep you informed.
Grand Preschool classrooms may have a Parent Information Bulletin Board or will send parent notes home or put them in your child’s backpack. Please check the board often for updates on calendars, field trips, parent events, and other special events. The bulletin board will also have a list of suggested items for parents to donate to the class. All donations are voluntary and very much appreciated.
Your child’s teachers will promptly discuss any concerns about your child. Teachers and other school
staff members will work with you to develop strategies to meet your child’s needs. Depending on the need,
support is available from the special education teacher, speech pathologist, occupational therapist, physical therapist, and coordinator. Speech, hearing, and vision screening will be available for children enrolled in the program. If you suspect that your child may have a delay in development of speech, language, social, motor, learning skills, and/or self-care, talk to your child’s teacher about options for evaluation.
There are many opportunities for volunteering time and support to the preschool classroom.
Parents are encouraged to attend Parent Education Activities and parent-teacher conferences.
Parents may donate items for the classroom. Check the list provided by your child’s teacher. Due to health reasons, all food items must be packaged from the store.
Parents are invited to share special talents with the children in the classroom, such as music, storytelling, or hobbies of interest to preschoolers. These special talents provide excellent in-class “field trip” opportunities.
All parents are encouraged to volunteer. Each day is planned to provide experiences which need your help to be successfully completed.
Your child’s teacher will let you know the times and dates that will be most appropriate for you to visit.