Parents » Food and Nutrition Information

Food and Nutrition Information

Lunch and breakfast are not served at Grand Preschool, as our students are only in attendance for 2.5 hours per day. However, students do receive a nutritious snack during their class session each day. Please inform the school of any food allergies that your has. Snacks are planned and purchased by the school, so there is no need to donate or provide snack items unless your child has a particular health/dietary need that you prefer to address personally.

Food Experiences (Snack)

Healthy snacks will be provided and incorporated into classroom themes and curriculum.  Food experiences may not occur every day, depending on the way teachers choose to include them in the curriculum.  Please make sure your child eats before coming to school. Parents are welcome to provide healthy snack foods for daily snack and classroom celebrations; however, no  homemade food will be allowed, per Utah Department of Health Community Health Services, State Health Code: R392-100-2. 

Please inform our coordinator, Ms. Sweeney, of any food allergies your child has.